How many runner beans to a pot

If you have to use a small space to grow plants, then your best choice would be growing runner beans in pots. They are easily one of the prettiest and most productive crops to grow in pots. Growing these beans will save you a ton of space and make your patio or garden look much, much better and more lively. These beans have amazing ornamental, heart-shaped leaves that look so beautiful and add to the aesthetics of your place.

Now before we get to the actual process of how you can plant runner beans in your pots, we have to first cover the different varieties of this plant and see what is different about them. This is a dwarf variety of the runner beans and is good for patio containers and small gardens. This type of runner beans are known for their amazing flavor and are a very well known variety that has a lot of flavor in it. These two varieties of beans have pink flowers and sometimes can even have bicolor flowers.

Grab a pot, fill about 3 inches of its height with moist, multipurpose compost. Sow one seed per pot, 2 inches deep in the soil. Also, it would be a good idea to plant more seeds than you need so that you would have extra in case some of them get eaten by slugs. These runner beans need a lot of water if you want them to grow and fruit well. These are available in a range of colours and are a feature on the patio, even before the beans advance up them. There are bush varieties of scarlet runner beans as well as haricot or French beans.

These can be grown in smaller pots, troughs or vegetable growing containers. They can even be grown in window boxes or balcony troughs.

They can also be combined with other vegetables such as cut-and-come-again lettuce or bushy, trailing tomatoes. Watering is critical at the flower production stage. If the plants dry out the buds drop. In warm weather, when the plants are in full growth and flower; they enjoy being sprayed with water over leaves and flowers in early morning or evening. This also helps with pollination.

There are plenty of varieties to choose from, old and new. It is probably best to choose a red or bicoloured flowering variety of runner bean for pots as these are prettier. It is free-flowering and showy with red and pink flowers and a plentiful crop of beans. The succulent pods are stringless and do no go tough with age. Its flowers are insignificant and the beans seem to appear from nowhere, so keep an eye open for them.

The only disappointment is that they go dark green when cooked. Filtered by:. Previous template Next. How many runner beans per pot , PM. Tags: runner beans. Earthgirl Jen. Hi Blenkiron and welcome sounds like you might just get away with a 10" pot as you've got 24" depth for them to get their feet into. Just watch out as runner beans can grow to to over 6ft!

I grew mine in the ground in a pyramid last year and by the end of July with the heavy top growth they resembled a 'Pembrokeshire Hedge' i. Don't forget to feed them once or twice a week with a good tomato food to help with production of beans as the food in the usual multi-purpose compost lasts just about 4wks on average.. Good luck and enjoy your first home grown runner beans They are so much better than shop bought.

Comment Post Cancel. Welcome to the forum, plenty of folk use buckets and pots to grow stuff, just give the pot a bit of feed once the flowers start, then once a week when the crop is growing, liquid tomato feed is as good as anything to start with.

You will need to support it somehow or it will become very top heavy as the beans grow and will be in danger of blowing over.


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