The population of Bradford is ethnically diverse. The district has the largest proportion of people of Pakistani ethnic origin The largest religious group in Bradford is Christian Nearly one quarter of the population There are , households in the Bradford district. Most households own their own home Today in Ilkley living men How many women are there in Ilkley?
As of today in Ilkley live women What is the average age of a resident of Ilkley? Today the average age of a resident of Ilkley is 40 years How many babies are there in Ilkley? Today in Ilkley babies. Of these, the girls - , the boys - By infants we mean young children under 4 years of age How many little kids are there in Ilkley? As of today in Ilkley little kids.
Of these boys - and girls These are children from 5 to 9 years old. How many children in Ilkley? Today in Ilkley there are children. Of these, the boys are - and girls - These are children from 10 to 14 years old How many teenagers there are in Ilkley?
Today in Ilkley living teenagers. These are people from 14 to 19 years old. Of these, the girls are - , boys - How many long-livers there are in Ilkley? Today in Ilkley 3 long-livers. There are some nice period houses south-east, on and off the delightfully named Cowpasture Road. Do you live in Eltham, south-east London? Do you have a favourite haunt or a pet hate?
If so, email lets. Ilkley: its leafy promenades contain all the key accoutrements of bourgeois life. Read more. Topics Property Let's move to Homes features. Reuse this content.