How many darkmoon faire dailies are there

I Was Promised a Pony Taking the Show on the Road That Rabbit's Dynamite Conclusion Date and Timeline. Darker Nights with Inky Black Potion. Sayge's Buffs. Vanity Items. Darkmoon Firework. Item Sets Replicas for Transmogrification. Darkmoon Decks. Getting to the Darkmoon Faire. Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mages. First Timers. Darkmoon Arcade. Obtaining Sayge's Buffs. Testing Your Strength. Profession Skill-ups. Mini Games. Darkmoon Game Tokens. Firebird's Challenge.

Times and Achievements. PvA Deathmatch. Fishing Darkmoon Daggermaw. Obtaining Darkmoon Trinkets. Reputation Grind. Darkmoon Faire Concert — Tauren Chieftains. Remaining Achievements. Fairegoer's Feast. I Was Promised a Pony. Taking the Show on the Road.

That Rabbit's Dynamite. Need any help? Check out our General Discussion Forum! Darkmoon "Tiger". Darkmoon "Dragon". Darkmoon "Gryphon". Darkmoon "Murloc". Darkmoon "Rocket". Darkmoon "Wyvern". Darkmoon "Cougar". Darkmoon "Nightsaber". Darkmoon "Snow Leopard". Darkmoon "Sword". Darkmoon Flower. Darkmoon Hammer. Darkmoon Storage Box. Cloak of the Darkmoon Faire. Noble's Fancy Boots. Noblewoman's Skirt. Nobleman's Pantaloons.

Noblewoman's Finery. Nobleman's Coat. Last Deck of Nemelex Xobeh. Darkmoon Balloon. Lhara or Gelvas Grimegate. Darkmoon Cub. Darkmoon Hatchling.

Darkmoon Monkey. Darkmoon Tonk. Darkmoon Turtle. Darkmoon Zeppelin. Darkmoon Dancing Bear. Swift Forest Strider. Darkmoon Dirigible. Darkmoon Draught of Alacrity. Darkmoon Draught of Defense. Darkmoon Draught of Deflection.

Darkmoon Draught of Deftness. Darkmoon Draught of Divergence. Darkmoon Draught of Flexibility. Darkmoon Draught of Precision. Darkmoon Draught of Supremacy. Darkmoon Tincture of Alacrity. Darkmoon Tincture of Defense. Darkmoon Tincture of Deflection. Darkmoon Tincture of Deftness. Darkmoon Tincture of Divergence. Darkmoon Tincture of Flexibility. Darkmoon Tincture of Precision.

Darkmoon Tincture of Supremacy. Tattered Dreadmist Mantle. Tattered Dreadmist Robe. Preened Ironfeather Shoulders. Preened Ironfeather Breastplate. Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders. Stained Shadowcraft Tunic. Mystical Pauldrons of Elements. Mystical Vest of Elements. Champion Herod's Shoulder.

Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate. Polished Spaulders of Valor. Polished Breastplate of Valor. Burnished Pauldrons of Might. Burnished Breastplate of Might. Devout Aurastone Hammer. Dignified Headmaster's Charge. Balanced Heartseeker. Venerable Mass of McGowan. Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge. Charmed Ancient Bone Bow.

Repurposed Lava Dredger. Burnished Warden Staff. Bloodied Arcanite Reaper. Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver. Discerning Eye of the Beast. Swift Hand of Justice. Flamescarred Draconian Deflector. Weathered Observer's Shield. Musty Tome of the Lost. Buffs you with So Fast! Banner; buffs you with So Fast!

Day-Old Darkmoon Doughnut. Recipe: Lemon Herb Filet. Recipe: Extra Lemony Herb Filet. Versatility food New in Shadowlands. Recipe: Extra Sugary Fish Feast. Seafarer's Slidewhistle. Recipe: Sugar-Crusted Fish Feast. Darkmoon Firewater. Recipe: Fancy Darkmoon Feast. Recipe: Extra Fancy Darkmoon Feast. Blorp's Bubble. Translucent Shell. Faded Treasure Map. Starts a short quest that rewards Darkmoon Prize Tickets and Gold.

Darkwater Skate. Ace of the Indomitable. Ace of Putrescence. Ace of Repose. Ace of Voracity. Two of the Indomitable. Two of Putrescence. Two of Repose. Two of Voracity. Three of the Indomitable. Three of Putrescence. Three of Repose. Three of Voracity. Four of the Indomitable. Four of Putrescence. Four of Repose. Comment by Razeew Ah! For the total days! I recently started playing WoW again quit before Naxxramas , and my friend showed me the awesome Heirloom items for leveling, and by chance I stumbled upon them on the DFM, so I'm grinding tickets to get em.

Edit: What are the requirements to be able to challenge the pet master, btw? Edit2: I removed the first buff from sayge by right clicking and he doesnt give a second one, he tells me to return several hours later. Comment by Simple guide for those who are starting Darkmoon Faire. This is the first guide I have given a 5 rating to. Added bit that makes this guide special to me is that author took time to edit screen shots and overlayed 'paintshop' marks.

And lets face it, if were taking the time to look up a guide rather then playing we want it idiot proof so we can spend the most time playing. Thanks for the nice guide. Comment by Razeew "Anyone can battle the pet master" This is not true, I'm level 40, with my highest pet being 5 and I don't get the option to fight him. Comment by Lubelle Great guide. A few hints on how to beat the various mini-games in one or two shots would make it even better :.

Comment by BrookeGravitt Excellent guide! Comment by Auden Awesome guide, thanks! I think now that Den Mother Moonfang is up around every hour, the easiest way to get dead in order to talk to ghosts - if you don't mind waiting the hour - is to go to this fight and stand in fire. I get bored waiting to drown. A suggestion: you might clarify that the total possible tickets per week is lower for lower level toons: 25 less for toons under 85 because of the two artifact quests that require level 85 , another 3 less for toons because you can't train Archaeology until 20 and it's much lower for a toon under 15 because none of the artifact quests are available - I think it will be 62, but I'm not sure if there are any other limits that apply at low levels.

Some people have said you can get an extra 5 if DMF starts at, say, midnight, but daily quest reset is at , and you do the mini-game quests during that brief time on the first morning. But I don't know if that is still possible. I think they might have made DMF start at daily quest reset time now. Very impressed with the thorough descriptions and concise instructions.

You get my vote! The joke is that the game is Whack-A-Gnoll a. So it's a baby gnoll, common gnoll and Hogger awesome gnoll. Though now that you point it out the in-game puppets do look like horses I've been gone from WoW for a chunk of time, and when I came back I come to learn that Darkmoon Fair was completely reworked.

I couldn't of been more lost, although thanks to this I have a pretty good idea of what to do, and it covers just about everything there is to do. So if you keep the buff from Faire to Faire, you'll only need 1 ticket. Also you can save Darkmoon Top Hat for after DMF, by not looting them from the boxes, as long as you keep them in the box, they won't disappear, but when you do take them out, normal rules apply, disappear if logged out, or die while using.

A change happened at some point, now the Top Hats are only usable during DMF no more stashing 50 when its over to keep the buff. Comment by I have my eye on several items for sale at the Darkmoon Faire using Darkmoon tickets. I am wondering what level is required to get into the faire?

I don't have to spell out what I am thinking. Unfortunately, the faire just ended so I can't test out my theories. I am trying to maximize the number of tickets I can get. I already know the "Darkmoon Game Prize" is not bound and can be sent to my other chars. I am sure there is something that would stop me from doing what I am thinking of doing. It can't be that easy, can it?

I think I can create 11 chars on a single realm. You do the math. So, just tell me what is wrong with my theory so I can move on to other things. Comment by Minernolan Nice guide!

It's very detailed and pretty much answers all the questions I'd have for the Darkmoon Faire! Comment by furdude2 "Fun Fact" :D the Gnolls not horses face you when they come up, i. Comment by Good guide - thanks! Comment by perculia Will be happy to resticky the guide when updated for 6.

Comment by free2bmenow Very well done guide. I use it as a reminder every time I go to the faire. I do have one thing you might want to add in way of explanation. Profession Quest Archeology Yes, you can buy crates from the MOP spirit of harmony vendor, it takes 3 spirits to purchase one crate. It may take more than one crate to get the 15 fragments needed for the quest. Comment by tkoivuma Maybe edit the intro paragarph little bit? This part got me worked up bit too much: Highlights include: Numerous new mounts and pets to purchase.

Comment by theassassin The Darkmoon Faire is now your only source for the level 85 upgraded heirlooms, as well as shields and offhands! Last edited by gunsotsu 1 second ago Patch 6.

Comment by Bones I am new to Darkmoon and thus I am farming tickets, however I noticed in your guide it states you can use the mini games to farm up to 35 tickets a day, but you can only do the dailies once a day thus can only actually farm up to five?

Am I missing something here or is there a way to repeat the quests per hour perhaps? Comment by beckiesuedalton Is there a minimum skill level for the profession quests? For instance, I was able to pick up the First Aid quest on my main L. Comment by perculia This guide has been updated for 6. Also, new Noxychu art! EDIT: nvm, should have read the achievements section.

Comment by Talins Moonfang and her Dreadhowls have been significantly buffed in 6. The Dreadhowls are much tougher to solo now unless you're a pet class - and even then they tear through pets quickly. Moon herself 2 shot my pet cat. Not too bad otherwise, but definitely not easily soloable now!

Comment by Reddervish There seem to be a few bugs in 6. If you complete the new Race first and then do the other dailies, there will be a gui bug on at least 2 of the following dailies. At Turtle toss, the Number of Tosses bar stretches from the top to bottom of the screen blocling your view of the turtle. For Shooting Gallery, the score counter is in the middle of the screen, instead of the bottom. One has to logout or exit or reset the gui to clear this.

The Firebird's Challenge. I experienced a lot of failures to get a ring to count towards the total. I am not trying to get the fast speed achievement, but merely trying to stay centered on the rings.

When the rings are spaced far apart, or the failure to get the credit and boost for flying thru a ring happens, then one drops to the ground and has to talk to the npc and give another token to fly again. On one toon I had to buy 4 tokens to finally complete the race.

I don't see any mention in this guide or the 6. And finally, DMF can be very lag prone when there are a number of players in the instance. Comment by Reddervish Nothing about Kerri Hicks, strongest woman alive.

Comment by Kanimi I'm trying to find a battle pet guide for the Darkmoon Faire, the suggested pets for example. Comment by LazerHawk If I defeat both pet masters everyday with different characters I won them on Sunday with my Draenei Warrior and the rest of the week with my Human Paladin Does this mean I will get the tickets anyways? Both of which can be purchased from Flik for 1g. The wood frog box is in limited supply. Comment by Bnegis The items that drop from dungeons are able to drop from trash aswell.

Not just the bosses. I was double-checking the outfits I still needed to obtain from the Darkmoon Fair to have them all set up for the legion wardrobe. I almost passed this replica set over by judging on the picture shown alone because I knew I already had the outland recolor. Comment by Drakara I didn't even realize they made the Scarlet armor available again. I'll have to farm that to go with my tabard. Darkmoon Firewater is a potion that gives the user a buff that allows faster gathering of resources and slightly increase your size for one hour.

These are also great for flipping on the Auction House and Trade Chat! Click Darkmoon Firewater for more information! This guide walks you through Professions , Pet Battle dailies , mini-games , etc. Search for:. Like this: Like Loading Loading Comments


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